You know, as I was typing that title, I found myself thinking tht I must have misspelled the word "busy." It just doesn't look right for some reason.
Anyway, busy has been how things have been lately. We have found ourselves going to bed late most nights, then getting up early and just going and going. Benjamin has still been with us and he has been an incredible help. His time at our house is at an end, though.
I have been trying to convince Kathy that he needs to come back to our house after his doctor's appointments and that I should just keep least until the end of the summer, but she will not agree to it. She says that she misses him to much. Can you believe that?! What about how much we will miss him? And especially what about how much Samantha will miss him?! She just has no sympathy! ;)
Yesterday, we went to Ladies Bible Class and the luncheon afterward and then left straight from there to meet Kathy in San Marcos. The plan was for the kids to sleep most of the way. They did sleep. Jacob for 1.5 hours and Samantha for one hour, but our 2.5 hour trip took a little more than 3 hours because of rain and stop and go traffic from north of Round Rock to south of Austin. So there was a little bit of grumpy time for Jacob before we finally got to San Marcos.
Samantha tried to amuse him by singing, and that seemed to help a little. Then she asked me "Mommy, when will I get a baby like J-bub?" "When you are all grown up and married, honey," was my answer. I couldn't help but smile. Isn't she a little young for this? But it was still very cute.
We met Kathy at around 3:45, shopped a tiny bit, and came on to San Antonio. Right now, Kathy and Benjamin are at the hospital for his first doctor appointment, and Samantha, Jacob and I are at the hotel room. I knew we would be having quite a bit of hotel time , so I brought plenty of toys. For Jacob. That's right, I didn't remember to bring a single thing for Samantha to play with. Ugh. What a great mom thing to do, huh?
Fortunately Aunt Kathy came to the rescue. She brought some toys that Benjamin has outgrown to send home with us, including a huge tub of duplos. So Samantha has something to play with after all. Yeah Aunt Kathy! You are our hero!
Well anyway, since I am here with my kids, and don't have a single chore to get done...I think I will spend some time playing with them. Talk to you later!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Busy, Busy, Busy and Funny
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