Jacob is 6 months old today.
He had his first sick visit at the doctor a week ago. He is still VERY close to crawling, but isn't quite there. He scoot backward and rolls a little, but no crawling yet. I think maybe he is just waiting so that his Daddy can see him crawl for the first time.
He has been eating rice cereal for about a month now, and he is finally starting to do better with it. He might be eating enough of it now that I would feel OK about opening a jar of baby food because I might not have to throw most of it away. So maybe he will get green beans for the first time this weekend.
He generally goes to bed between 7:30 and 8:30pm and sleeps until 4:30 or 5am. He takes 2 or 3 fairly short naps during the day, with the longest being midafternoon for an hour to an hour and a half.
He is wearing 12 month clothes. He weighs 18lbs 7oz. (That is 1/4 lb lighter than last week and puts him down into the 75% from the 90th, but the doctor isn't worried. She said that he has been sick, so this is normal and he will probably go back to the 90th at his next well check...but even if he doesn't he is still doing great at the 75th) He is 27.5 inches (75%) long. I didn't get the exact measurement of his head, but it is the 90th%. Yes, there is no doubt, he is a big boy.
He smiles all the time and loves it when his sister talks to him, lays beside him and gives him kisses. He likes to be held. He hardly ever cries, unless he is very hungry and then he definitely tells you about it!
We are grateful for another month of our sweet, happy, baby boy and we look forward to what the future brings.
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