Yesterday was Samantha's 11 month birthday. Once again I am amazed by how quickly the time has gone.
This month has been a little stressful with an ear infection that just won't quit. We took Samantha to the doctor on 11/17/08, because, for once, I knew she had an ear infection. She was miserable, not eating and was screaming every time the wind blew. Sure enough she had an ear infection...and had lost 2 ounces since her appointment 10 days earlier. This was her third ear infection within 6 weeks. As soon as she gets another one, she will have tubes put in her ears. I can't beleive that I am saying this, but we hope that the next ear infection happens very soon so that the tubes can be put in and do their job of keeping fluid out and allowing her to hear and not be in pain, and so that she will eat well and gain weight. Samantha was put on antibiotics and seemed to be doing better. Until the day before Thanksgiving when she started running a fever. It kept getting higher and we called her doctor on Thanksgiving day and started more antibiotics the next day. She seems to be doing much better now.
On a brighter health note, she was approved for Synagis again this RSV season, much to the doctor's amazement. This is a shot that is an injection of antibodies to prevent an RSV infection. It must be done every month thtoughout the RSV season (October through April or May) and it has to be approved by the insurance company because it costs a couple thousand dollars for each shot. Our insurance company said yes AND our copay for it is only $40. Praise God for this blessing!!!
This month she has accomplished so much! She started crawling on 11/13/08, she got her 6th tooth on 11/14/08, and she sat up and pulled up on 11/15/08. At first she would crawl for a minute then go back to army crawling. Now it's been two weeks since we have seen any army crawling at all, and she sits up all the time. She goes all over the house, so we have to remember to keep the bathroom doors shut all the time.
She now weighs 15lb 6 oz and is 27.5 inches long. We have one long, skinny baby! But i have figured out that Old Navy has clothes that actually fit babies of this body type. Hooray! Samantha babbles all the time and might say Mama, Dada and bye-bye. But we just aren't sure that those are real words yet. She signs "more" and "eat", waves bye-bye and claps her hands. What an accomplished little one we have. :)
Besides her lambie and blankie, her favorite toys at the moment are her books. She gets very mad when I put the last book away before bedtime, and she will sit on the floor in her room and just turn the pages of a book and read to whoever is in the room. REALLY!! She is talking after she turns each page, then stops and turns the page, then starts talking again. It is so cute! We haven't been able to get a video yet, though. I am so glad that she loves books! She has even stopped trying to put them in her mouth. (At least most of the time) Hooray!
Monday, December 8, 2008
almost a year
Posted by Christy at 9:52 AM
Labels: kids, milestones
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