
Monday, May 17, 2010

Baby Blessing

Jacob's Baby Blessing was this morning. Our church does this twice per year, to surround all the new babies and their families with prayer, love and support. My friend took some pictures during the service for me. See the top right corner of the first picture? Somehow she managed to take a picture just as Jacob's name came up on the screen :)

This year, each family/child received a gift. There were flowers. And the flowers all had meaning. Eddie, the new children's minister, explained that the white flower represents the father, leading the family in purity. The red flower represents the mother and the bond between her and her child. The yellow flower represents the child. The baby's breath represents the church family, surrounding and supporting the family, and the red ribbon represents Jesus' blood which brings and holds everything else together.

We also received a baby dedication frame with our child's picture, a cloth bible, an embroidered burp cloth with a cross and "For this child I have prayed" from 1 Samuel, and a letter in a sealed envelope...that is not to be opened until Jacob's 12th birthday.

What an amazing church family we have. I am so grateful for them. For all the love and support we have been given through trying to have our children, through pregnancy, through the birth of each of them, and through beginning to raise them to love the Lord.

And of course, what would a post about the Baby blessing be without a picture of the baby? So here he is.

And one with his sister, too. Don't you just love their coordinating sailor suits? :)

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